Contact Information
Edward Hubbard- Director Public works/Building Facilities
Raymond Carlson – Facilities Supervisor
Paul Gegetskas – Working Foreman/Supervisor
James Gegetskas – Head Mechanic
Todd Dixon – Building Maintenance
Kimberly Chatey – Administrative Assistant
Andrew Beauregard
Robert Sokoloski
Kevin Wages
Noah Ellison
Nate Dion
Tom Schulz
T: 860-653-6822
F: 860-653-8015
2024 RCC Recycling Center – 860-653-6432
2024 MDC Hazardous Waste Collection Schedule

- Road maintenance in the warmer months
- Snowplowing and salting of roads in the winter months. Including school
- Removing trees from town roadways.
- Mowing, weeding and planting on town owned properties including schools
- Keeping up, cleaning and repairing all town owned buildings including schools
- Hours of operation Tuesdays & Saturdays 7am -3pm
- Must have current sticker given out yearly @ the RCC during the month of July.
- The cost is $75 Check made out to the Town of East Granby, or $80 with Debit/Credit Card
- News About Bulky Waste Items 2025
- What you Can and Cannot Recycle
- MIRA Recycling Information
- RCC Administrative Rules 2024-2025
- 2024 MDC Hazardous Waste Collection Schedule
East Granby Public Works is charges with the responsibility of responding to winter storm events. During storms, our primary focus is to provide safe travel for cars and emergency vehicles on heavily traveled roads. While snow is actively falling, plowing is generally limited to the center portion of the roadway to clear a travel lane in each direction. As the storm subsides, our crew will further widen the roadways and clear out cul-de-sacs.
DRIVEWAY CLEARING TIPS– Before your final driveway cleanup, check to see if the street has been plowed all the way to the curb. If it has, you should be safe to clean to the end of your driveway. If it hasn’t, rest assured the plow will be back to make another pass and potentially fill the end of your driveway. You can reduce the amount of snow deposited in your driveway by shoveling or plowing to the right side of your driveway as you face the street.
Do not shovel or plow into the street. It creates a hazard and you may be held liable in case of an accident.
During a winter when there is a significant amount of snowfall, the snowbanks can start to get quite high. In this situation, town crews will push back snowbanks with a wing plow. This is done to make room for additional snow and may occur days after the end of the last storm. During this process, some snow may land in your driveway. We make every effort to clean up debris caused by this process but due to size of the equipment we use, we may not be able to remove all of the snow dropped in your driveway.
STATE ROADS– Several State roads cross thru East Granby (route 187) South main street and North main street. (Route 189) Hartford ave and (Route 20) rainbow road and Turkey hills road and (Route540) Hatchet Hill road. The Connecticut Department of Transportation (Conn DOT) is responsible for the snow and ice removal on these roadways
PARKING – The Town of East Granby prohibits the parking of any vehicle on a town road from the start of a storm until 12 hours after the storm has ended. Vehicles that violate the parking ban may be towed at the owner’s expense.
MAILBOXES – During the winter season, it is inevitable that some mailboxes will fall victim to winter’s forces. In accordance with East Granby Town Ordinance, the town will repair or replace a mailbox that is damaged as the result of direct contact with the town snow plow. Mailboxes that are damaged from the force of snow thrown against them or mailboxes that are located closer than 9-inches to the road are not eligible for repair. If your mailbox is damaged, determine the cause and schedule repairs if applicable.
SIDEWALKS – East Granby Town Ordinance requires a homeowner whose property abuts a sidewalk to keep it clean of snow and ice. Residents have up to 8 hours after the end of a storm to clear the sidewalk. If the storm occurs overnight, residents have up to 8 hours after sunrise to clear the sidewalk. Failure to comply with this ordinance may result in a fine up to $250.00
SAND – sand mixed with salt is available at the town garage. Sand is located just as you drive in to the facility on the right hand side. Sand is for East Granby residents only and we ask that residents take one 5 gallon bucket at a time.
CHILD SAFETY – Do not allow children to play on snow banks along the side of the road. The plow may be back even in good conditions, it is difficult for the driver to see the children.
- I live in a cul-de-sac and end up with a significant amount of snow in my driveway and yard. Why? Plowing cul-de-sacs can be quite challenging. Most properties on cul-de-sacs have frontage that are fairly narrow and, consequently, snow must be pushed into a smaller space. This along with the large amount of snow to be removed from a cul-de-sac result in a significant amount of snow being deposited on the lawns in the cul-de-sac.
- Why is snow pushed into my driveway by the plow? It is unavoidable and unintentional. Plow are simply moving the snow that is in the street off to the side of the road. Like water, moving snow will follow the path of least resistance which, unfortunately, is your freshly shoveled driveway.
- Who is responsible for cleaning in front of my mailbox? Town crews plow the streets curb to curb, or a close as possible. Whenever snow is left in front of mailboxes is the responsibility of the homeowner to remove.
- Can snow be pushed into the street from my driveway or sidewalk? No! It creates a hazard and you held liable in the case of an accident.
- What if we have an emergency and our road has not been cleared? The East Granby Police Department stays in close contact with the Department of Public Works during a storm. If there is a question as to whether a road has been cleared the DPW will be called and, if necessary, dispatch a plow to the location of the emergency.