Christine T. Gallagher, Town Clerk
Anne Newhall, Assistant Town Clerk
9 Center Street
East Granby, CT 06026
Phone: 860-653-6528
Fax: 860-653-4017
Mon – Thurs 8AM to 4PM
Closed Noon to 1PM for Lunch
Fri – 8AM to 1PM

Protection from Property & Mortgage Fraud
Free Service, sign up here
FLYER-PropertyCheck Template_EastGranby
Marriage Licenses by Appointment ONLY
Fishing & Hunting Licenses Are Now Obtained ONLINE:
All land records, property maps, and vital records are part of the permanent records of the Town and are maintained by our office. Town meeting minutes from June 4, 1858 to the present and minutes from each board and commission meeting are kept in our vault as well. These records are public records that are open for public inspection.
As in most towns in Connecticut, the Town Clerk is also the Registrar of Vital Statistics, therefore, all vital events such as births, deaths and marriages that affect town residents whether the event occurs in town or within the State of Connecticut are on file in the town vault.
The Town Clerk’s office works very closely with the Registrars of Voters during elections and is responsible for issuing all absentee ballots and certifying the results of elections and local referenda.
June is Dog Licensing Month! All dogs age 6 months and older must be licensed by June 30, 2024. Please make sure we have your email address as this is how we send reminders to you.
NEW DOG? We’ll need current rabies certificate as well as spay/neuter paperwork.
Licensing Options – Online, Mail-In, Drop Box or Walk-In
Online dog renewal – you’ll need to know last year’s tag # and rabies must be up to date additional $1.75 processing fee – see below under FEES.
Mail in renewal – include rabies certificate if updating is needed
Drop Box – located outside Town Hall, include rabies certificate if updating is needed
Once we receive the information we will process and mail the license and dog tags back to you. Please note we cannot issue change so please leave exact dollar amount.
In order to obtain a dog license, a valid rabies certificate must be on file. NO longer own the dog, please let us know [email protected]
Spayed/Neutered $8.00*
Unaltered $19.00
* Please provide proof of spaying or neutering
A $1.00 late fee per dog will be charged each month for those who are late, starting July 1st. Please make checks payable to: Town of East Granby and enclose renewal certificate and self-addressed, stamped envelope and mail to:
Town Clerk, 9 Center St, East Granby, CT 06026
Register to Vote!
You may register to vote online at any time at CT Online voter registration system.
Or you may register to vote in person at the Registrar’s Office on Tuesday’s from 9:00am – 1:00pm in the Senior/Community Center, 20 Center Street.
Please click HERE to see if you are a registered voter
Absentee ballots are available to qualified voters unable to vote on voting day for the following reasons:
- Active service in the Armed Forces of the United States
- Absence from town of residence
- Sickness
- Religious beliefs forbidding secular activity on voting day
- Serving as an election official at a polling place other than my own during voting hours
- Physical disability
How to Apply for an Absentee Ballot
- Apply online using the Secretary of State’s website to request that your absentee ballot be mailed to you by visiting the Connecticut Online Absentee Ballot Request Portal. Once you submit your request online it is automatically sent to the Town Clerk’s Office and we will mail your ballot as requested.
- Pick up your application from the Town Clerk’s office at Town Hall or download the application from the Office of the Secretary of the State – Absentee Voting Information page.
- Once your application has been received by the Town Clerk a ballot will be mailed to the qualified voter.
Returning Your Ballot
- Complete and return your ballot as soon as possible.
- If possible, it is strongly recommended that you drop your completed ballot in the Official Ballot Drop Box located outside of the Town Hall at 9 Center Street, East Granby, CT 06026.
- Completed ballots can also be mailed to:
Town Clerk East Granby
9 Center Street
East Granby, CT 06026
Questions? Call or email the Town Clerk’s Office 860-653-6528 or [email protected]
Note: Absentee ballots for a referendum vote are available in person only or through a voter’s designee. State law does not allow the mailing of absentee ballots for a referendum with less than three weeks notice.
Public Act 12-57, “An Act Concerning Permanent Absentee Ballot Status for the Permanently Disabled” created permanent absentee balloting status for certain individuals and became
effective January 1, 2013.
To be eligible for permanent absentee ballot status, an elector must file with the Town Clerk an absentee ballot application together with a doctor’s certificate stating that they have a permanent disability and are unable to appear in person at their polling place. The doctor’s note should be on letterhead. There is no prescribed form—the doctor’s note and the absentee ballot application would satisfy the requirement of the law.
Permanent absentee ballot status enables the elector to receive an absentee ballot for each election and primary in the municipality in which they are eligible to vote. Absentee ballots are available 21 days before a Primary and 31 days before an Election.
In January of each year the Registrars of Voters will send written notice to each elector with permanent absentee ballot status to determine if the elector continues to reside at the address on the permanent absentee ballot application. If the elector fails to respond to the notice, the permanent absentee ballot status will be removed, but the elector will remain on the voter registration list.
View Statewide Election Results
Contact your Elected Representatives HERE
East Granby Democratic Town Committee HERE
East Granby Republican Town Committee HERE
All land record images, land record indexes and subdivision and survey maps dating back to 1858 are available online.
Documents to be recorded on the land records must be original signed documents or certified copies of documents. Our office does not provide blank forms.
Land record indexes, including maps and trade name certificates, are available for viewing online. Copies are available for a fee. Please see the link below.
Land Recordings MUST be processed 30 minutes prior to our closing time. No recordings will be accepted after 3:30 M-TH & 12:30 Fri.
Recording Documents: $60.00 First page $5 each additional page
Recording Nominee (MERS)– Assignment/Release $159 flat fee
Recording Nominee (MERS)- Other documents $159 plus $5 each additional page
Trade Name: $20 Trade Name Certificate
Map – property: $20
Map – subdivision: $30
Liquor License: $20
Copy of land documents: $1.00
Certifying copies: $2
Use of battery-powered scanner: $20 per occasion
Full size copy map: $5
$2.00 Conveyance form with consideration of $2,000 or more
(Conveyance forms found on State of CT Dept Revenue Services website)
Local conveyance is .0025 x consideration paid. No deed or permanent easement will be recorded without the State of Connecticut Real Estate Conveyance Tax Form OP-236.
Electronic recording is available! We have contracted with the following vendors for this service:
ERecording Partners (ePN) | 1-888-325-3365 | | |
Corporation Service Company | 1-866-652-0111 | | |
Simplifile | 1-800-460-5657 | | |
Indecomm Global Services | 1-612-269-5452 | |
In accordance with Public Act 21-173 the Office of Policy and Management has provided, under Section 1(f), the Unlawful Restrictive Covenant Form. An Affidavit has also been provided as an additional tool shall a landowner wish to use this under the provisions of Section 1(c) to file a form or affidavit. There is no cost to record this on the town land records.
MARRIAGE LICENSES **by appointment only
Marriage Licenses can be obtained in the Town Clerk’s office, by appointment only. Please contact [email protected] or 860-653-6528 to schedule an appointment. Marriage licenses are obtained in the town in which the marriage is taking place. If you are not getting married in East Granby, please call the town in which you are getting married.
Please see the FAQ Marriage License Process information below for more information.
If you are looking for a Justice of the Peace to perform the ceremony you will need to make those arrangements yourselves. For your convenience, please see the link below for a list of East Granby JPs.
East Granby Justices of the Peace
Certified Copies of Vital Records
Certified copies of Birth, Death, and Marriage Certificates are available in the Town Clerk’s office for events taking place in East Granby and for those who were residents of East Granby at the time of the event. The cost for a certified copy is $20.00. (we DO accept personal checks) Please see the following links for further instructions on obtaining a certified copy.
(1) “Armed forces” means the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard or Air Force of the United States; (2) “veteran” means any person honorably discharged from or released under honorable conditions from active service or reserve status in the armed forces; (3) “military discharge document” means a United States Department of Defense form, including, but not limited to, a DD 214 form.
Military Service Discharge: The filing deadline is the last business day in September. Military Discharge Records can be filed with the Town Clerk’s Office. The discharge paper presented must be signed in original ink-signed or electronically signed, or certified copies. Photocopies will not be accepted. The most common form is the DD 214, or any valid paper that evidences the service, discharge, or retirement of a veteran from the armed forces that contains personal information such as a service number or Social Security number.
Certified copies of filed DD-214’s are free to the Veteran; any person who may provide a benefit to, or acquire a benefit for, the veteran or the veteran’s estate; the State Librarian; funeral directors; authorized genealogists. C.G.S. 1-219.
To obtain a duplicate original copy of your DD-214 you can complete and mail a Standard Form (SF-180), Request Pertaining to Military Records, to the National Personnel Records Center, Military Personnel Records, 9700 Page Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63132-5100. The form may be obtained by calling the Department of Veteran’s Affairs at (800) 827-1000. You can also complete a request online at
There is no filing fee for the DD-214. A certified copy of your separation papers previously filed with another town is acceptable if an original is not available.
Resources for Veterans
- To qualify for the veteran’s exemption, you must have served during a time of war. Click here to view the dates determined to be time of war by SEC. 27-103.
- Request Form Pertaining to Military Records
- Department of Veterans Affairs (Federal)
- Department of Veterans Affairs (State)
- Soldiers, Sailors and Marine Fund (The American Legion, CT)
Questions? Townclerk@egtownhall or 860-653-652