

Donna Murphy – Interim Assessor 
[email protected] 

Bobby Marsele – Assessment Clerk
[email protected]


9 Center Street
East Granby, CT 06026

Phone: 860.653.2852

Fax: 860.653.4017


Mon-Thurs: 8AM to 4PM

Closed Noon to 1PM for Lunch

Fri: 8AM to 1PM

Town of East Granby, CT

VISION Assessor Property Database

2021 Assessor Maps

BAA Application

2024 PP Values by Name

2024 PP Values by Unique ID

Elderly & Totally Disabled Homeowners


The Assessor’s Office is responsible for discovering, listing, and valuing all real estate, motor vehicles, and personal property for the annual Grand List. The office also assists the public with tax exempt programs; and provides information on buildings, land maps, and property ownership in Town.

Grand List Information

Each town in Connecticut is required by law to revalue all real estate at least once every 5 years.  East Granby’s last revaluation was completed on 10/1/2023. 

During the revaluation, the market value of each property is estimated. Then 70 percent is the assessment assigned to each property.  Property taxes are computed by multiplying the mill rate by the assessment.

2023 Mill Rates

Real Estate, Personal Property, & Motor Vehicle — 29.8 mills