The stats for July are as follows:
Motor Vehicle Accidents: 15
Alarms: 13
Burglaries: 1
Disturbances: 3
Domestic Incidents: 2
Larcenies: 1
Medical Assists: 24
Emergency Committals: 1
Suspicious Incidents: 7
Traffic Stops: 47
Untimely Deaths: 3
Patrol Checks: 446
Total Calls for Service: 681
Of those traffic stops, 44 were warnings and 2 were citations.
Trooper Kyle Demetrion #1043
East Granby Resident Troopers Office
7 Memorial Drive, East Granby, CT 06026
Connecticut State Police – Troop H
East Granby Direct Line: 860-413-3312
Troop H Line: 860-534-1000